Piano Tuning Service
Gist Piano Center offers White Glove™ Piano Tuning
From time to time, your piano will require the services of an experienced piano technician.
Piano Tuning is like the periodic professional maintenance that your car requires and should be considered part of maintaining your piano’s “health.”
A minimum of twice a year (or more frequently, depending on usage, room conditions and other factors), tuning is needed to restore tension and correct the pitch of the piano. In cases where the piano in question has not been tuned for many years, a second operation called a “pitch raise” will also be required. It may take several pitch raises to restore a poorly-serviced piano.
Gist Piano Center tunes and services over 3,000 pianos across The MidWest each year. Our in-house artisans provide technical service for the premier performance venues in Kentucky (including The Kentucky Center, The Louisville Orchestra and the Lexington Philharmonic) as well as many of the universities, schools and churches in the region. These same technicians service all of our pianos, including those of our client family.
Call us or click If you’d like to request a tuning for your piano.
Need cleaning supplies, caster cups or other accessories for your piano? Visit our online store and purchase them today!